Hello! I am a fifth year PhD student in EECS at MIT, where I am fortunate to be advised by Guy Bresler and Nike Sun. I was previously an undergraduate at MIT, where I majored in mathematics and EECS.
I am interested in high-dimensional probability and statistical physics, especially the limits of efficient algorithms in these settings.
I am grateful to be supported by a Google PhD Fellowship. I was previously supported by a NSF Graduate Fellowship (2020-23) and a Siebel Scholarship (2020-21).
I am on the academic job market in Fall 2024.
See my research page for a full list.
B. Huang.
Capacity Threshold for the Ising Perceptron.
FOCS 2024. Best Student Paper.
B. Huang, A. Montanari, and H. T. Pham.
Sampling from Spherical Spin Glasses in Total Variation via Algorithmic Stochastic Localization.
Preprint 2024.
B. Huang and M. Sellke.
A Constructive Proof of the Spherical Parisi Formula.
Preprint 2023.
S. Chen, B. Huang, J. Li, A. Liu, and M. Sellke.
When Does Adaptivity Help for Quantum State Learning?
FOCS 2023.
B. Huang and M. Sellke.
Tight Lipschitz Hardness for Optimizing Mean Field Spin Glasses.
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2024).
Conference version: FOCS 2022.
G. Bresler and B. Huang.
The Algorithmic Phase Transition of Random k-SAT for Low Degree Polynomials.
FOCS 2021.